Benefits of Uber for Doctor Booking App

Winston Zander
2 min readNov 13, 2021


With the technological transformation, every business and industry across the globe has shifted almost entirely. The advent of mobile applications into the picture has been nothing short of a revolutionary moment.

The medical industry has also observed this revolution. The frontline of this industry is the on-demand doctor app development. In a digital-driven world, there are patients to consult their doctors from the comfort of their homes.

Benefits of Uber for Doctor App

Let us have a glance at some of the most eye-catching advantages.

Refinement in Patient Outcome

A telemedicine app cut slack to patients on a lot of fronts such, as attending clinics and hospitals for check-ups, missing appointments, seeking medications, or asking for prescriptions over and over again. Which benefits the patient in another way is that they can get proper attention from their doctors.

Less Paperwork

One of the chief benefits of this app is that they allow healthcare providers and patients to keep a record of important details, which provides tremendous relief to both parties from bothering here and there in managing in-office official paperwork.

Higher ROI

The on-demand doctor apps are super beneficial to the doctors in even measures as they assist the doctors cut down their spending on equipment, clinic staff, and infrastructure. This simple measure is directly helping doctors in creating and managing a higher Return on Investment.

Best Work-Life Balance for Doctors

Doctors can consult through this app while they are away or traveling. Virtual appointments to their patient to provide appropriate medical assistance through the app are a fascinating option. This shows how this app helps doctors to manage and have a superb work-life balance.

Features of On-demand doctors app

Register/Sign in

Whenever a new user/patient joins this app, they have to register and log in to the app by using their basic details and medical conditions.

Virtual Medical Appointments

Video calls are the nub on which the on-demand doctor app works. By video calls, doctors can give live consultations.

Ratings of Doctor

The patient can give ratings and feedbacks to the doctors they have received consultation. Based on reviews and, rating users can choose their doctors.

Payment Gateway

Patients can pay their fees through the app and, it has the flexibility of a multi-mode payment option. The patient needs a payment gateway which you will be incorporating through API.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many day-to-day life tasks are taken over by on-demand services. The most significant advantages of such services are people can get their services at their doorsteps.

It’s a glorious opportunity for entrepreneurs to build an app like Uber for doctors app that will get medicinal experts right at patients’ doors.

Building an app with such features will help all the patients in demand of medical care at such a crucial moment. Check out GoAppX to know more! Book a Free Demo!



Winston Zander

Enjoy developing clone apps — on weekdays, could see me walking through the aisles of any movie theater in Dallas, TX on weekend.